Houblonde is brewed with dynamised water!
In concrete terms, this means that it has been regenerated by passing through a vortex. This generates a vortex in the water to give it kinetic energy. This is supplemented by a magnetic field and natural mineral frequencies.
The Biodynamizer reproduces the natural water cycle in a concentrated way. It imparts to water movements similar to those it follows in nature and communicates the properties that it stores during its natural journey.
The result? The Houblonde brewery water thus regains a quality comparable to that of water that flows in nature, i.e. structured water filled with photonic energy (energy value in the electron/photon sense captured by an electrophotonic camera, principle of the corona or Kirlian effect)!

Moreover, the dynamized water transfers its taste and smell to the beer! This can be seen in the fine, velvety sweetness of its taste, its refreshing aspect that remains in the mouth for a long time, its sparkle and its creamy, smooth head.
Developed at UCL
At the Laboratory of Brewing Sciences and Technologies of the Catholic University of Leuven (UCL) in Belgium, experts compared the taste effects of water dynamisation on two identically brewed beers. One with dynamized water, the other without.
The result? 5 expert tasters (brewing professors from UCL and master brewers) came to the same conclusion: “The water-dynamized beer seems clearer, finer, softer, lighter, more refreshing and thirst-quenching, more sparkling and with less aftertaste than the non-water-dynamised beer”
Want to know more? Discover all the experiments, scientific and empirical analyses that lift part of the veil on the true nature of dynamised water on www.biodynamizer.com
All the power of nature
to enhance the taste!
HOUBLONDE concentrates the whole quintessence of the world of flowers.
HOUBLONDE contains floral elixirs of wild flowers that grow in the mountains (Pyrenees, Vosges, Alps…) at high altitudes. They are obtained by solar maceration of the whole flower. The elixirs concentrate and transmit the energetic signature of the flower to the Houblonde beer.
This elixir is obtained using nothing but flowers picked when they are mature, in surroundings protected from any pollution. The flowers are immersed in spring water taken from close to where they are prepared. This water is then energised and decanted into a glass container. The container is left out in the sun for three hours. The flowers are then carefully removed and the liquid is poured through a filter into a dark bottle, then energised again (through an ovoid-shaped vortex). This produces the “mother” elixir, which is then diluted in a base of organic cognac (40% proof, to help preserve it) and pure energised water. This creates the “daughter” elixir, which is added to the HOUBLONDE beer. The Astrantia elixir is certified to be of organic origin by the Ecocert certification body.
Houblonde Blonde (5,4°)
Floral Elixir
The Astrantia flower whose elixir is found in HOUBLONDE beer is an umbelliferous plant that grows in damp soil bathed in sunlight. It draws the excess water from the soil so that the moisture evaporates in the bright air, which in turn aerates the saturated ground. It is in producing this metamorphosis that Astrantia Major reveals all of its energy alchemy. This is what explains all of its psycho-existential virtues. In fact, Astrantia enables us to breathe and freeing us from tensions and densities so that we can regain a sense of lightness and inner peace. It illuminates dark areas and takes light into the very heart of our cells. All floral elixirs act as catalysts for our emotions and help move our awareness towards greater authenticity and personal fulfilment. The Astrantia elixir found in HOUBLONDE beer triggers and guides these transformations and transmutations.
Damask Rose
The blond also contains Damask roses. The Damask rose is an ancient rose from Syria which underwent numerous hybridisations during the 19th century. Renowned since antiquity for its bewitching fragrance, Rosa ×damascena is a rose particularly popular with the perfume and cosmetics industries.
HOUBLONDE also contains vanilla obtained by infusing fresh vanilla pods. Its gentle, subtle flavours blend admirably well with the grains of barley, wheat and hops, giving HOUBLONDE beer its velvety, soft and subtle taste.
Houblonde Triple (8°)
The Organic Triple Hop is composed of 3 elixirs of wild flowers from the mountains:
the flowers are yellow, assembled in a central ear that rises towards the light. It blooms at the beginning of summer. The elixir was made in June, in Taillet in a clearing in the Aspres forest, in Vallespir (Eastern Pyrenees).
Water Violet
It is a plant that lives entirely in water, it is submerged for a good part of the year. From May to June, straight and elegant stems begin to emerge from the water and throw their pale purple flowers into the sunlight. It is rare, delicate, and does not tolerate any form of pollution. The elixir was made at the end of May in a river in the Forstfeld forest in Alsace (northeast France), an invigorating harvest immersed in water to the chest! The elixir invites us to put our capacities and qualities to the benefit of others, to enter into exchange and sharing. You release spontaneity and you know how to express your feelings.
Wild Rose
A thorny shrub with beautiful, delicate and blooming flowers that range from white to pink. The elixir was made at the end of June in Camurac in the Aude, on a plateau covered with rosehips, close to the then green ski slopes of the Pyrenean mountains. The elixir helps to overcome the devaluing messages printed in the depths of our psyche to access the joy of life.
Houblonde White IPA (4,8°)
The highly fragrant white flowers of the orange blossoms are picked from the Bigaradier tree, a small shrub native of India. A true invitation to travel, its delicate fragrances immediately transport us to the scents of the Orient and the sunny flavours of the Mediterranean. The orange blossoms are obtained by steam distillation of the flower buds and perfectly complements the bitterness of the orange peels, resulting in a very refreshing beer with citrus aromas.

Citrus aurantium, or bigaradier: it belongs to the large Rutaceae family. It is a small shrub of 5 to 10 metres that likes sun and fertile, moist soil. Its small fruit is not very juicy, bitter, acidic and full of seeds, but it is the peel that is of most interest in terms of flavour and taste.
The flower gives a bitter orange note and citrus nuances to our beer. Its lemony bouquet, tending towards mandarin and orange, perfectly complements the bitterness of the orange peels, resulting in a very refreshing beer with exotic aromas.
« All the power of nature
to enhance the taste! »
For the first time in the world electrophotonic energy has been measured in a beer, Houblonde!
We captured by an electrophotonic camera the photonic pulsations (particles of light) in Houblonde beer and compared them to pulsations of a well-known standard beer…
The results are glaring, just look at the pictures! See how Houblonde beer contains electrophotonic energy compared to common beer, see the difference in light radiation and the harmony of its structure!

Bioluminescence and harmonious structure of Houblonde beer

Absence of bioluminescence and harmonious structure of standard beer
« All the power of nature
to enhance the taste! »
The hexagonal logo of HOUBLONDE reflects its soul!

The Hexagon in its three-dimensional version represents a cuboctahedron , which is an Archimedean solid. The cuboctahedron is made up of 8 triangles (3D tetrahedrons), 6 squares (3D cubes) and 12 identical vertices. It is the only geometric shape in which all of the vectors are the same length, both those that link the vertices and those that go from the centre to the vertices. All of the vectors are also at an angle of 60° to each other. This gives the cuboctahedron perfect symmetry, which is why it is called a vector equilibrium (VE). It is also considered by those in the know to be the foundation of all structural geometry in the cosmos. From an energy point of view, the VE represents a wave of perfect shape that generates a movement of energy that ends in a state of absolute equilibrium (the zero point or absolute vacuum).
The Barcode on the label of the blonde incorporates the Fibonacci sequence :
- 5 41 = the numbers corresponding to Belgium
- 1065 = the numbers corresponding to the Brewery
- 3, 5, 8, 13 = are the numbers chosen by HOUBLONDE that correspond to the Fibonacci sequence (linked to the Phi golden number)
- 8 = automatic verification code (= 8 universal which is part of the Fibonacci sequence)
The Hexagon also corresponds to the structure of the living water which is the one found in the dynamized water present in the Houblonde beer. This is a 6-point molecular structure as illustrated in the photos of dynamized water crystals!

Photograph of dynamized water crystals = 6-pointed crystal which when joined up represents a hexagon; the core of the crystal is also a hexagon!
The HOUBLONDE logo represents this hexagon that features a structure with 6 points made up of ears of cereals (barley and wheat), hop and flowers by way of reference to the beer! The blue colour of the logo refers to water. The shiny appearance of the “aluminium” foil label represents light and the photonic energy present in the dynamized water.
« All the power of nature
to enhance the taste! »